Museum of Glass has a sound investment plan in place for its Endowment.
From its inception in 2013, the Endowment has grown to $9 million and provides over $300,000 of annual support to Museum programs. The Endowment is governed by the Investment Committee and the Investment Policy Committee, which report to the Museum’s Board of Trustees. The Investment Committee established an Investment Policy to ensure compliance with the Washington State Uniform Prudent Management of Institutional Funds Act (“UPMIFA”) and guide the Board in supervising and monitoring the management of the Endowment. The Policy sets out principles for asset allocation, investment strategies, and spending. The Committee has hired an Investment Advisor to implement the investment strategy and asset allocation.
How are Endowment Funds invested? The Museum of Glass Endowment is invested in a diversified portfolio of funds and overseen by the Museum of Glass Board of Trustees Finance and Facilities Committee, as well as MOG’s Chief Financial Officer.
How are funds utilized from the Endowment? Your contributions to bolster and augment the endowment are vital in sustaining Museum of Glass. Contributions of any size to the Endowment help provide support to the areas of greatest need. These donations fund projects essential to fulfilling the Museum’s mission. Gifts of $1 million or more may result in a named endowment to support a critical area of the Museum’s operation.
Please contact our Planned Giving Manager, Rebecca Downey, at rdowney@museumofglass.org to discuss your vision for a legacy gift that benefits the Museum of Glass Endowment.